Tag Archives: Weight loss | Weight Management | Diabetes | Menopause | Type II Diabetes

All Fruit Diets and Your Health

All Fruit Diets Have Dangerous Side Effect


Did you hear that Ashton Kutcher went to the hospital back in January just two days prior to the first shooting for the movie of Steve Jobs?  He was suffering from severe stomach pains which they later found out was directly related to problems with his pancreas.  The cause you ask??  An all fruit diet, or the fruitarian diet, which Ashton was modeling due to his part as Steve Jobs who followed and practiced this diet.  According to Walter Issacson’s biography, “Steve Jobs”, Jobs began extreme dieting, such as the all fruit diet in his freshman year in college.  He died from pancreatic cancer which an all fruit diet has been linked to.

While all fruit diets and others are intended as a way to detox the body, many doctors and nutritionists alike are concerned about the impact following an all fruit diet may have on your overall health.  These are meant for short term and then people do the extreme for long term and can cause their own health issues.  Eating fruit for long term can contribute to a loss of many needed nutrients and minerals that the body needs to remain healthy.  One of those important nutrients is protein.  Protein are molecules made up of smaller molecules which are amino acids.  Proteins are used to build virtually everything in the body.  This includes your skin, hair, and nails to the hemoglobin in your blood which is made of protein.

Proteins can be found in meats from animals, fish and fowl.  They include nuts, seeds, beans and dairy products.  They can include whole grains containing protein, brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, and barley.  And yes a few vegetables can be counted as protein as well:  avocado and sprouts!  Another major concern is the loss of good fats in your diet.  Good fats are essential for many bodily functions including maintaining proper hormone levels and brain functions.

Other essential nutrients the body can suffer from loss of is calcium, vitamins B & D-12, iron and zinc.

Fad diets that are not nutritionally balanced can do more harm than good.  If you need to lose weight, work with a professional who is qualified to design a nutritional food plan, exercise plan and a health coach/mentor.  Long term maintenance is the goal not short term loss.  This could be the difference between life and death in some cases.

To your health!

WHEAT and Belly Fat

Wheat and Belly Fat?  Insulin Resistance?

Many of us are constantly struggling with the battle of the bulge and can’t just seem to get the weight off.  We are not alone, as over 1/3 of the US population is obese.  What many of us don’t realize is that a common “staple” of our diet may be the culprit.  Remember the food pyramid of old, with bread, pasta, and other grains at the top?  We now know that due to hybridization of wheat is increasing wheat consumption and adding to the obesity epidemic.  You see modern wheat, which is different from the wheat of yester years of let’s say 50 years ago.  Our modern wheat doesn’t even begin to resemble the wheat of our ancestors.  Wheat has been hybridized which means it has been cross-bred with other grains and species so it has a higher yield and contains less nutrients and more carbohydrates.  GMO sound familiar to you?  Well, since this has happened to wheat the cause and effect are in the starch and gluten and made it highly addictive.

Starch that is worse than table sugar!  Wow!  The carbohydrate found in wheat I about 75% amylopectin A which has been called a “super carb” as it has the ability to increase the blood sugar faster than other carbs.  The molecular structure of amylopectin is to be more easily digested than other more complex starches.  And because of the genetic modification, digestibility can raise blood sugar faster than a candy bar!  Forget the sugar pill just carry some wheat bread!

In this study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants were given a diet of 70% amylase or 70% amylopectin.  Those on the amylopectin diet had higher glucose and insulin responses after a meal.  Chronic elevations lead to belly fat.  So, due to its high amylopectin content, (due to GMO), wheat causes not only excess weight gain, belly fat, but a whole myriad of other health issues.  Have you also heard of the “super gluten”?  Gluten has actually been doubled in hybridized wheat.  Gluten triggers inflammation.  Inflammation triggers weight gain, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and multiple chronic diseases.  Gluten can actually damage the gut lining.  You know the term “leaky gut”.

Don’t think you addicted?  Wheat digested into short proteins call exorphins which act similarly to endorphins, the neurotransmitters released during exercise or the “runners high”, bind to and stimulate morphine receptors in the brain, making them just as addictive as any other drug.  See, when we eat gluten, it soothes the soul, makes that calm sensation.  This is turn causes us to look for more of this food during “STRESSFUL TIMES”!  Which leads to overeating and it just goes downhill from there.  Weight gain and next obesity.  Join me is adopting a gluten free whole food lifestyle.  Your body, mind and spirit will thank you!  To your health!

Dr Oz On Health at USANA Convention

Dr. Oz Speaks at USANA on Health!

Dr. Oz–you know that name! The famous doctor was one of the medical experts who spoke at the 2012 USANA Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. I’d like to share some of his important presentation points with you–and some tips from my files for turning Dr. Oz’s advice into a plan that works for you, for a lifetime. He spoke on several topics to include weight loss, weight management, menopause, migraines and diabetes.  He is a brilliant man!

1) Waist Management begins today.
Dr. Oz recommends a simple test that speaks volumes about your general health. Stand straight, and ask someone to measure your abdomen. The measuring tape should start from your side, in the narrow area between the bottom of the ribs and the hip bone. Keeping the tape level, wrap it around your abdomen. Take a breath in, breathe out, and then look at the measurement. (This is not a “suck in your tummy” exercise!) Now double that circumference. Is the resulting number less than your height in inches?

If it’s less, then you’re probably in a healthy range.  Is it more? You might have risk factors for obesity, including belly fat, which can predict other health-related problems. Even insulin resistance might be setting in.  Many interventions can help move you out of this risk group.
Successful Waist Management is about finding a personalized fuel mix–the key being “personalized.” It’s a confusing world of information out there. There’s no one-size-fits-all plan. It’s important to find a combination of exercise, food, and stress-busting choices that work for each individual. Lifestyle changes that really fit can be easy to do yet reap huge rewards. I have a free health assessment at www.changingonelife.usana.com

2) Knock off the junk!
Dr. Oz pointed out that each sugary drink you consume adds at least 100 calories. Those soft drinks combine for a weight gain of 11 pounds per person, per year. That’s on top of the extra weight many of us carry from other unhealthy choices. Did you know that it can take up to 10 years before the doctors can determine that you are now type II diabetic?

Dropping 100 calories can dramatically upshift your condition, so replace a single daily soft drink with pure water. Not tap water, distilled water but pure water.  You’ve done it! Good. Simple changes are the best way to pursue a healthy outcome now, and, better yet, maintain wellness for the long term.  Small baby steps work best instead of major changes that become overwhelming and unmanageable.

3) Stay on top of your Lifetime Curve.
Picture an upside-down U. This “Lifetime Curve” represents your wellness and happiness. Through your teenage years, you’re moving up the left side, ascending as you learn and grow. When you begin to round the peak, you’re in your prime. At the top of the curve is the ideal time to safeguard and continue to improve your health. Beware of rounding the curve to the right side. That’s where you risk aging too rapidly by settling for a lifestyle and expectations that are less than optimal. Dr. Oz’s advice: Stay on top of the curve. 

If you’re at the top of the curve–generally, your 20s and 30s–make a plan to stay there, enjoying the health and good life that’s your birthright. Spoiler alert: Moving laterally to the right rather than rounding down toward the bottom takes life-affirming, bold moves. You’ll have to fight the temptation to let down your guard. But what if you’re older and want to regain the vitality and wellbeing of younger years? You can. It’s never too late to improve!  You can reverse type II diabetes, sail through menopause and stop those m

Save At The Supermarket & Eat Healthy

I get questions all the time from people all the time, asking how in the world I feed my family of 3 (plus a few extras) on an average of $100 per week. And NO, we don’t eat Top Ramen (disgusting); I’m a gourmet cook or learning to be!

I learned this with Dani Johnson in her War of Debt program.  Now, if you’re not in debt, that’s great and I’m really proud of you! But don’t tune me out here.   If your debt free then WooHoo!  This is about living a financially independent life. The money you save can be used for investments, savings, and vacations, paying down debt or any number of other things.

One place where people spend the most money is on food. Yes, food is essential. You cannot avoid having to buy food (unless, of course, you grow everything yourself). This is part of life. You really have to look at how much you’re spending and what you’re spending that money on.  Remember that grocery stores are a marketing ploy and they lure you to the sales.

  1. Eat out of your pantry. The very first place you can save money on your grocery bill is actually not at the grocery store – it’s in your own kitchen! If you have food in your pantry, refrigerator, or freezer (and for a lot of people, in your second freezer), you do not need to be at the grocery store!  Use what is in your kitchen first. You may need to get creative here, and create some new meals with the ingredients you have. You’ll be surprised by what you can come up with! Some of my family’s favorite meals have come out of this.  Really, my guys were like this is pretty good what is it?  I shop for food once a week now and then we eat all of that food and sometimes run out.
  1. Plan ahead. Planning ahead saves you time and money. If you do not have a strategic plan in place to keep you on track, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you do not plan ahead, you will be controlled by your cravings. Your brain shuts off and your body tells you what it wants.  The marketing of the store and sales will call your name and you spend 2 to 3 times more than you can afford.  Instead of setting yourself up for failure, make a list and stick to it! When you make a plan each week, you will save yourself from making those extra trips to the store for one or two items (which always turns into buying 5-6 or 20 extra things you didn’t even need).  This really works so place your list on the frig and add when you run out of the staples.  Be a good stewart of your money with simple planning.  It will save you time and money, and you will be healthier as a result of making smarter choices ahead of time!  It will seem foreign at first then the family will look to the menu to see what’s for dinner!
  1. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Believe it or not, everything you need at the grocery store is around the perimeter. I want you to go to your grocery store, and think about what is along the edges. Look at the processed foods and where they are located.  At the perimeter, fresh produce, meat, cheese, eggs. You may have to step into the middle aisles to get bread or a few other things, but go grab those few things and get outta there!  The middle is where you find the boxed, canned, and pre-packaged foods, chips, sodas, ice cream, alcohol, etc. Those things are expensive, and they are not good for you, anyway!  We are talking healthy foods here on a budget and it can be done!

So today I want to challenge you, I want you to use these strategies this week, and let me know what happens. I learned I was spending over $750 a month or more on food.  Ouch!  After using this system I spend on average $100-125 per week.  It can be done!  To your health!