Weight Management vs. Weight Loss

Are you looking for a quick fix when it comes to losing weight? Unfortunately, there are no magic pills or drastic diets — skipping meals, only eating salads, avoiding carbohydrates — that will guarantee losing and keeping off the weight. It’s a process that will require you to recognize your weaknesses, forget those fad diets, and start making lifestyle and dietary changes today.

Having more fat in your midsection — a waist circumference of more than 35 inches for women and more than 40 inches for men — can significantly increase your risk for metabolic syndrome, a group of factors that heighten your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart diseiase.  It’s because fat around your middle can lead to inflammation in the body, and inflammation increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  Losing just 10 percent of your weight can significantly lower your cholesterol and help improve blood sugar levels. It can also improve your blood pressure.

Your ultimate weight-loss goal should be your health.  When you make strides toward a healthy weight, you’ll feel better physically and emotionally, have a better chance of avoiding disease, and even live longer.

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