Menopause and Unwanted Facial Hair

So I can remember the first time I noticed these long hairs on my chin!  What the heck is that and where did it come from?  Do you remember in church the old lady with hair like a mustache or chin hairs that were like all over the place.  Unwanted facial hair can be different for every woman, from a few hairs on the chin, light growth on the upper lip or heavy and beard like. Menopause can be associated with facial hair due to the hormonal changes. Some medications (and certain hormone replacement products) may cause a certain degree of facial hair.  Or to be more precise, the relationship between levels of estrogen and testosterone.

When estrogen predominates a woman’s face typically has fine, short and almost invisible like facial hair.  Men in contrast have the longer coarse darker beard type hair.  The key hormone that controls the hair on the face is dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  The higher the DHT the facial hair goes from invisible to coarse.  As menopause approaches and estrogen levels drop, there’s an increase of DHT in the hair follicle.  This can produce unwanted hair in places like the chin, jaw line, cheeks, and even the forehead!  Just remember that you are not alone.

So when we see that first hair our first instinct is to pluck right?  The problem with that, however, is that plucking can actually stimulate the hair follicle into active growth, which produces more hair.  Shaving, electrolysis, and laser can have their issues and can be expensive.  Do what is right for you and know that this doesn’t last forever.  Menopause is a journey we as women all have to take so embrace the journey.  I help women overcome this journey to see light on the other side.  I am passionate about helping women in menopause with natural solutions without side effects.

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