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Perimenopause and Really What Does That Mean?

The word menopause is derived from the Greek pausis (cessation) and the root men (month) – or the end of the monthly cycle. In many ways menopause is the opposite of puberty, you know the stage of life when females become fertile. Remember when you started that period? Oh my gosh the flood of emotions, the mood swings, the acne, the bloating, the cravings – wait does that sound familiar? Perimenopause is similar to the years leading up to puberty. Just as in the years prior to your first period, which is now coming earlier and earlier for this generation, hormone levels are once again chaotic.

During perimenopause you need your ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal glands working at their best for your best, but many things are now conspiring against you. Well, I am sure you don’t want to hear this, but you are aging! Yes indeed your body is getting older and with that comes the natural body shut down of those precious ovaries. You are no longer ovulating every month, so your periods get shorter in frequency, or longer, or altogether unpredictable. Isn’t that something to look forward too? That was the most frustrating part of it was not knowing when or where, you know what I mean. But there is light at the end of the period I promise.

Ok, so your ovaries are no longer producing as many ripe eggs, the pituitary gland cranks up production of the control hormones – follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to stimulate the ovaries to do more. Soon your FSH numbers are reaching 50, and you’re have power surges (hot flashes), and sweaty, and your thyroid becomes sluggish, your metabolism slows, your weight starts to climb (even if you eat less and exercise more), your moods become erratic…wow are we having fun yet! Life is unpredictable! This is a journey and I am here to help you maneuver the yellow brick road.   Tell me about your journey below!

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Perimenopause – When Does it Start?

Perimenopause encompasses the years leading up to menopause, which officially starts when a woman’s period has completely stopped for one year. Perimenopause, can range from two to ten years, depending on the woman. While it is a perfectly natural phase of a woman’s life, it isn’t always easy to bear. Many women suffer tremendously during the perimenopausal years, while others experience no symptoms at all. If at all possible ask your mother about her menopause and if you have other women relatives you can ask them as well.

Most women begin perimenopause in their forties, but it can start as early as the mid-thirties. Perimenopause is the span of time when you notice that your periods are changing to one year after they completely stop. That’s when menopause begins. I noticed these changes when I was in my mid-thirties. My periods became stronger and longer, then shorter and irregular. They were all over the place towards the end with as much as 5 months in between. There was lots of clotting which I had never had before and the PMS was off the charts. Ovulation may become more erratic as well. You may be vulnerable to anemia if your periods are super heavy.

Between 75 and 85 percent of women experience hot flashes during perimenopause. The intensity, frequency, and duration may vary. Often hot flashes are to blame for the sleep disturbances or fatigue that can be linked to perimenopause. If you are anything like me, I require 7 to 8 hours per night or I don’t function the next day. It’s called the menopause fog brain! They are many things you can do to reduce the hot flashes or the night sweats. I personally never experienced night sweats only the hot flashes.
Fluctuating hormones can cause mood swings, depression, irritability, difficulty handling stress or anxiety. This was one of my most symptoms. It was the uncontrollable mood swings to the point of not liking myself. Again, these can vary from women to women. If you would like to talk more about how to survive the menopausal years contact me at

What are the Symptoms of Menopause?

It is important to remember that each woman’s experience is highly individual. Some women may experience few or no symptoms of menopause, while others experience multiple physical and psychological symptoms. The extent and severity of symptoms varies significantly among women. It is also important to remember that symptoms may come and go over an extended time period for some women. This, too, is highly individual.  Speaking from a holistic perspective a lot varies according to hydration, type of food plan you are following, amount of exercise and what type of exercise, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sleep, and medications or type of supplements you are taking.

There is currently no method to predict when hot flashes will begin and how long they will last. Hot flashes occur in up to 40% of regularly menstruating women in their forties, so they may begin before the menstrual irregularities characteristic of menopause even begin. About 80% of women will be finished having hot flashes after five years. Sometimes (in about 10% of women), hot flashes can last as long as 10 years. There is no way to predict when hot flashes will cease, though they tend to decrease in frequency over time. They may also wax and wane in their severity. The average woman who has hot flashes will have them for about five years.  In the beginning I had very few hot flashes and then it seemed if I moved I experienced them.  Sometimes hot flashes are accompanied by night sweats (episodes of drenching sweats at nighttime). I never experienced these, although both my mom and sister experienced both the hot flashes and night sweats.  This may lead to awakening and difficulty falling asleep again, resulting in unrefreshing sleep and daytime tiredness.

I was able to reduce the symptoms with a low glycemic food plan, high quality supplements, omega 3 fatty acids, grape seed extract, calcium, essential oils and weight bearing burst exercise.  I drink more than 8 glasses of water per day depending on what I am doing.  I have removed gluten, wheat, corn, soy, dairy and artificial sweeteners and sugar from our diet.  I believe this was a major factor in helping me thought the menopause.

Menopause and some common Myths

If a woman has gone for 12 consecutive months without having a period, she’s officially reached menopause. For some women, menopause signifies an end to their childbearing years and the realization that they are getting older. For others, menopause means they no longer have to deal with the discomfort and inconvenience of a monthly period. It brings an end to the worry about unwanted pregnancy, and it’s a new age of freedom. Due to all the GMO’s and chemicals in our diets these days menopause can start as early as 35 up to past 51.

Most women will experience depression during menopause- Myth! Women are already twice as likely as men to experience depression, and a few studies have suggested a possible link between hormone changes and major depressive episodes. But other research shows no link at all. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, menopause in and of itself does not cause depression. Hormone changes may be responsible for some symptoms, including mood swings, but those are different from true psychological distress. So be sure to listen to your body and try a natural solution such as essential oils first.

Perhaps the biggest myth about menopause is that it is a time when you slow down and watch your health start to go downhill. The truth is that women are living healthier, more active lives than ever before and often use this time to further develop their careers, travel, volunteer, and spend more time with loved ones. Women who take good care of their bodies and minds can continue to enjoy life long after menopause. This is usually where we as women find our voices and follow our passions in life, love and spiritual callings. Embrace the new!