Low Glycemic and Nutrition Nugget

Eating right isn’t just about looking good — it’s about staying healthy and providing your body with the fuel it needs to function at its best. Incorporating certain vitamins and nutrients into your diet can help fight osteoporosis, eradicate eye disease, and lower your risk of developing hypertension as well as some cancers.  Building meals and snacks around foods with a low glycemic load can make it easier to maintain your weight, keep blood sugar levels stable, and lower your risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. So how can you tell which foods have a low glycemic load? In general, the more fiber a food has, the lower the glycemic load. Think beans, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole-grains.

A healthy diet isn’t as confusing or restrictive as you might think. It’s about choosing foods that provide your body with the calories and nutrients it needs to perform — not more or less. The best way to start is to learn the recommended daily calorie intake for your age, weight, height, activity level, and gender. In other words, skip the fads and focus on proper nutrition.  If you need a program for life try using RESET by USANA.  It is a five day program with everything included in one box.  The key is balance to any program you choose.

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